Your brand is more than a witty strapline or a logo, font family, and colour palette; it's your ultimate company ambassador, and your ownable calling card in a saturated Financial Markets landscape. A strong brand has an underlying story that resonates on an emotional level with your customers and plays a vital role in buying decisions and ongoing loyalty. We understand the essence of your brand and help you to create a compelling strategy, and a supporting visual and messaging identity that captivates your audience, and reflects who you are.

Why does brand matter? So many reasons…


Create the cornerstone of your business, upon which all products, services, campaigns and wider initiatives are built.


Leave a lasting impression with a brand that people will connect with and remember. An established brand leads to more customers.


Attract collaboration opportunities with other industry firms and influencers that will broaden your reach.

Build trust with your audience. It will lead to strong relationships and customer loyalty.

Shorten decision timelines by presenting a consistent brand that your audience feels familiar with. 

Align internal teams and hire the best talent, by creating a culture that people want to be a part of. 

Brand strategy

Who are you, really? Why do you exist? What purpose or value do you have within the larger financial services industry? We help you to understand these core building blocks and what makes you unique, before creating a positioning strategy that drives your brand architecture, visual identity and messaging.

  • Market and consumer research
  • Brand positioning incl. target segments, USPs, personality
  • Brand architecture
  • Promises, principles, and guidelines

Brand messaging

The messages you send out to the world should reflect who you are at your core, inspire trust, convey authority, and position you as an industry leader. We help you articulate your brand story and differentiate yourself from others.

  • Straplines
  • Value statements and differentiators
  • Solution messaging
  • Functional messaging

Visual identity

If your brand is the story, then your visual identity is the storyteller - it's a language of its own, that helps you to communicate. Our branding experts create ownable and cohesive brand identities that speak to target audiences, and moves them to action.

  • Core visual (and sound) elements + guidelines
  • Graphical language​
  • Brand implementation: digital and print
  • Product branding
"A strong brand adds value to your company. The 100 most valuable global brands were worth $6.9 trillion collectively in 2023"

G2, 2023

The 3 most powerful elements of a brand


A brand is more than words and images. It’s about why you exist and how you make a difference. Build a brand that audiences connect with and see value in.


A brand story is not told all at once (usually). It’s shared in a strategic and bite-sized way to help others understand what your company is about.

Visual Identity

There’s a science to creating a visual brand that will resonate with your customers. We have the expertise to help you master this element.

We build memorable brands


Brand strategy


Brand positioning


Visual identity


Core messaging


Brand management


Brand activation

Grow the value of your company with a strong Financial Services brand

How do you find our unique value proposition?

We will work with your team to identify how your products and services compare to the competition. Then, we’ll assess how you fill your audience’s needs and solve their pain points. Finally, we put it all together and fill in the gaps by identifying what makes your offering unique in the industry.

How do you define success for branding efforts?

There are many ways to measure the success of branding investments, including increased brand awareness as measured through surveys or increased web activity, stronger customer loyalty measured by repeat business, and positive improvements to sales and revenue as measured by specific KPIs that align with your strategic goals.

What strategies are used to build trust and credibility?

Consistency is key to building trust and credibility with an audience. Once you have developed a strong brand, maintaining consistency is essential — including reliability in product quality, customer service, communications, and price. You can also elevate credibility in the financial services industry through thought leadership and getting involved in your community.

What is one thing brands overlook that can improve results?

It’s important to understand that a brand must maintain its tone, message, and visual identity no matter what channel it appears in. Sometimes, brands differ in tone or message when they change from social media to email, for example. But doing so can create confusion. Marketing is omnichannel, and customers are looking for information in a variety of places—just be yourself no matter where you are!

What types of marketing collateral can you help create?

Our agency will help you carry your brand consistency across channels. We can help you create advertising, banners, brochures, sales sheets, guides, content, stationery, trade show stands, and other promotional merchandise.  

Are you ready for a financial services brand that stands out?


Our branding experts are standing by to help you articulate and elevate your financial services brand. By creating a strategic and consistent message, you’ll be able to have a powerful impact on your company’s bottom line, attracting more loyal customers and leaving a lasting and positive impression.

Book your strategy call today.

London  +44 (0) 203 811 8343
New York  +1 646 535 8899

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